Thursday, October 7, 2010

Week 5: Anchor Brewing

Anchor steam is the choice of the week!  If you haven't heard of it, you should definitely pay attention because this is one hell of an American brewery that has been around for awhile and can actually be acquired in a lot of places.  One more fun thing about these beers is the bottles.  These are pretty cool little things in a weird bottle that I've never seen anything similar to, and if you have any sort of sense of aesthetics, then you will love it. (or maybe you are just bling... or like ugly things?) So now I'll move on to a few qualities on why you should actually purchase this beer... Alright so first things first, it's very foamy.  This beer has a great head that is very light and it creates a unique texture to the beers.   The bottles didn't really do these beers justice since unfortunately you can't get the head that you could out of a tap, so I would really recommend all of these straight from the tap to anyone.   Now, if that little blurb didn't make you want to try these beers, you can go on to read our reviews (which if you don't read those... why are you here?)  and if you want more than that, we will even be nice and provide a website link for you so you can go to their site and read stuff by their lovely writers. 

Liberty Ale:    alcohol content: 5.9%

Nick: Very hoppy, I liked it more initially than I did by the end. I cant help but feel patriotic when drinking it.
Alex: At first I did not like the hoppy taste of the beer, but as the drink progressed, it became more and more enjoyable. The hoppy taste seemed to balance out and impressed me.

Lyle:   I really enjoyed this beer, which I wont lie, is kind of odd considering I usually don't like hoppy beers.  So in my book, this beer was quite delicious (and also very very foamy! I mean dear lord did this beer have a head to it!) and I would probably buy it on a weekly basis since it is a change up since I usually don't do hoppy beers.  

Anchor Porter:    alcohol content: 5.6%

Nick:  Super dark, looks like motor oil. I don’t usually like darker beer, but this seems to be an exception, it has a surprisingly unsatisfactory after taste. Very bold.

Alex: A very very dark beer, almost taste like a strong alcoholic coffee. If you love dark beers you will love this one. Personally, not a big fan.

Lyle: So I wont lie, I didn’t really want this beer to begin with (I wanted to try the Old Foghorn instead) but it turned out to be a great surprise.  I don’t typically like beers that look like mud but this one was delicious.  It had a very staunch flavor that wasn’t overbearing.  I would recommend this beer to anyone who likes a good dark beer, it is a nice change that goes down a lot smoother than most dark beers I’ve had.

Anchor Steam:    alcohol content: 4.9%

Nick: Definitely good, my personal favorite of the ones that we had tonight.  Very smooth, and  generally likable.

Alex: Out of the three we drank tonight, my favorite. I can really taste the flavors that went into making this beer. A medium flavored beer that doesn’t bite too bad.

Lyle:  So I am a little biased when it comes to the classic Anchor Steam brew.  I have had this one on past occasions and it still comes as a delicious surprise each time I try it.  It is a very smooth beer that smells a tad bit of earth and corn, which is interesting considering it doesn't make it have a musty or dank smell, but instead a sweet smell.  I would recommend people try this one at the very least because it is a very good American beer that you can get in most places but isn't the stereotypical American beer.

And here's the link I promised everyone in case you feel like reading up a little more about these San Franciscan brews!

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