Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Inaugural Post : Asia

Today:  Asian Beers
As the first post I would like to give this more pomp and circumstance than I can afford at the moment.  Sooooo.... Let's kick this off Sigma Pi style.  We drink, we get fucked up, but also, we have class, and as classy men we have officially started the Sigma Pi Six Pack Club.  In our little alcoholic club we (Alex, Nick, and Lyle)  buy three different six packs and then everyone has two of each three different types of beer.  We find this is the easiest way to spread our knowledge in the classiest (and Fratiest) of beers from around the world.  So without further ado, I present the Sigma Pi Six Pack Club, the Fratiest of all organizations.

SO! As I was saying, today is our first day and we decided to start with Asian beers as our theme.  We tried Asahi, TsingTao and Kirin Ichiban.  Our notes and comments are as follows (put into awesome little anecdotes that are put under the beers info)

Asahi   5.2% alc.    Japanese
Lyle -"this beer will kick you in the face, then you get used to it."
Nick -"Pretty dry and bitter, but it's GREAT.  Not a party beer."
Alex -"Very dry with cotton mouth, a beer with short taste."

TsingTao 4.8% alc. Chinese
Lyle -"It has an aftertaste of rice... gotta love those stereotypes."
Alex -"Very strong smell, flavor is plentiful, goes down smooth."
Nick -"Strong, better than Asahi, good beer."

Kirin Ichiban 4.9% alc.  Japanese
Nick -"The best of the three, bitter upon impact, but delicious."
Alex -"Agreed with above. Best of the three with great lasting taste."
Lyle -"No question the most smooth of the three, easily the closest to a party beer. Overall great beer."

1 comment:

  1. I am surprised ya'll like Kirin Ichiban so much. I didn't really like it. If ya'll do more Asian imports I recommend Sapparo. (although I'm not sure you can get it in 6-packs)
